Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What goes around comes around

So I really didn't intend to post this at first. This Linux penguin was our first modeling assignment last semester here at Ringling. Since everyone had to model the exact same thing, I didn't think it will be too interesting to share.

but then I recalled this one project I did back in the good old high school days. As part of an environmental art project I cast 100 plaster penguins. every day I would move all of them around campus, forming different arrays. It;s funny how our life circles interweave, since now, almost 7 years later I'm back to dealing with penguins (not only that; when I looked at the pictures again I noticed that the girl in one of them has the Linux penguin popping out of her bag! what are the odds??)

Anyway, hope you'' enjoy this, something a bit different than usual, while I'm working on some new projects that' hopefully I'll be able to share soon.

Take care,


P.s - The title screen for my 3D penguin is of course an homage to the brilliant film "surf's up" if you haven't seen it, it's a must!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


This is a lip sync test I did for my traditional animation class this semester. There are so may things I wish I had time to fix, and maybe I will in the future.. who knows....
It was a lot of fun to work on and I definitely learned a lot from it. so... here it is!
the sound clip, is Gandalf from Lord of the Rings of course :)

Click here
for HiRes version