Hi everybody! Here are some more hybrid designs, this time a turtle and a hippo. I am trying to work on my digital painting skills, and find a technique and style that I like, I'm trying to work on using values rather than "filling the lines"... still a long way to go. Anyway, while coloring, these two hippo-turtles moved somehow from my cartoony kingdom to the darker side of concept design, looking a bit to monstrous to me, but... oh well, it's all part of the process.
just a couple of caricatures I did recently.... I really appreciate people who can capture the character of someone in a good caricature, and it is something I am trying to get better at... so these are a couple of attempts, messing around with different styles...
Hi everybody! I can probably continue doing this for hours... Designing weird and stylized animals is definitely one of my favorite things. So here they are, the kids of papa Rabbit and mama Giraffe... hope you don't find this too disturbing ;)
Our last assignment in 3D design class was to design a toy. My partner and I came up with "STAMP'ede". It's an activity game where the kid can play with different farm animals that have interchangeable parts (heads, feet...). On the bottom of the feet there are rubber stamps that print the shape of each animal's foot. Educational and fun!. Here is the the package design I did for the game, as well as the actual figures.