Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Paleolithic Design

Lately I've been doing a series of character designs inspired by cave paintings and sculptures from the paleolithic era. I find it fascinating how men have depicted those characters in such simplicity and innocence, thinking only about the most basic shapes needed to convey their ideas. Anyway, here are some of my interpretations to these sculptures... I will probably continue messing around with this theme for a while...


Gordon Pinkerton said...

This is a great idea! How do you have so much ime to do this stuff?! Do you ever sleep?

Nilah said...

Great idea. Love the horses. Haha that first one reminds me of Missy Elliott.

Avner Geller said...

Thanks a lot guys!
haha...Missy was definitely the inspiration for that first one :)

Betsy Bauer said...

You're so creative! All of these are great.

yezi xue said...

Hey I love these character designs. It's a good way to keep things fresh. Great idea!

O C A S I O said...

Too cool for skool man....very nice characters.